Monday, November 12, 2012

Whole foods for baby

As much as it pains me, I'm getting ready to give up breastfeeding.

I really wanted to nurse as much and as long as we both wanted to. I guess that time has come sooner than I anticipated, and that saddens me. I worked so hard to maintain my supply through our multiple hospitalizations and weeks of tube-feeding, hoping we would resume our breastfeeding relationship as before. It was such simple, sweet thing. The babe prefers the bottle now. He got two teeth in the time he was tube-fed, and then he was biting me and I was back at work, so we transitioned to the bottle. We nurse a bit in the morning now, and sometimes in the evening, and he's mostly stopped biting me. But he's gotten lazy and if he's hungry he gets frustrated at the breast. I don't really have time to pump at work and my supply is causing worry again.

Babe is 7 months old now, and we have just begun to introduce solid foods. I still intend to pump/nurse for as long as we can, but if we need to supplement with something, I want to supplement with homemade "breastmilk" --I really don't want to call it formula. There are many reasons I don't want to give him grocery store formula: he doesn't like it, I have health concerns about it, and I don't want to financially support these companies and their (I think) questionable business practices.

So I'm researching making my own supplemental baby milk. Have you tried this? There seems to be some information out there, but not a lot and I am surprised that there aren't more parents doing this. I want the best nutrition for my baby and I want to make healthy food choices in general, for my family, community, and planet. 

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