Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's happening in the garden? April.

The tomatoes are growing and growing. On the left are Cherokee Purple and Tye-Dye. The roma-type tomato on the right isn't doing so well--its leaves are brown and crinkly and its growth is stunted. It must have a disease, but I don't know what or what to do about it. I may just pull it out and plant something else. The romas didn't grow last year, either. You can see the zucchini squash in front. They are grown from seed and you can see they have some true leaves.
This is the Brandywine Yellow, and next to it is a cucumber start and a little basil plant. I haven't had much luck with basil in the past, but this year I plan to religiously prune those precious, delicious little leaves.
Here we have the carniverous San Francisco Fog, and Early Girl on the right. The San Francisco Fog is setting fruit already.
The first strawberries are ripe.

Happy spring.

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