Monday, August 26, 2013


My husband and I have decided to get away from the bay area urban rat race and live a simpler life: we're moving to rural Washington State, where we will grow more food, eat what we preserve, raise chickens, and learn to love the rain.

We have a house on a half-acre plot. There are already some fruit trees, and I plan to plant more. There is a blackberry patch. I'd like to start some raspberry and blueberry canes, and compost heaps, and let roots down, and make a home. I want to grow most of our food, which will mean learning a lot about gardening, preserving, and cold storage. We want to fish and crab pot. And I want to write about it all. I hope this blog will focus more on canning and how to use home canned goods in the kitchen.

I'm pretty excited about this journey toward self-reliance. Although I sure will miss San Francisco, our long growing season, and the tomatoes. Oh, the tomatoes.

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