Monday, September 16, 2013

Heavenly Labneh

After reading about labneh, the Middle Eastern yogurt cheese, in so many different places lately, it was past time to make it myself. It's so easy: stir some salt into a quart of Greek yogurt, pour into cheesecloth to drain, and wait a few hours or overnight until it's the consistency you like. David Lebovitz and Heidi at 101 Cookbooks both have nice photos of this process.

I love goat cheese, and cream cheese, but now I prefer labneh. It's milder, but still tangy. The texture is smooth. It's my favorite thing to eat for breakfast these days, or a quick lunch. We love it on toasted walnut bread with slow roasted tomatoes or with radishes and an egg. 

It's especially good on toast with homemade jam. I canned some late-season apricot and peach butters this weekend because I know how good they will taste, in the dark cold winter, on toast with labneh, and a hot cup of coffee or tea.

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