Saturday, November 2, 2013

Canada's Food Rules

I visited an estate sale recently where I picked up several awesome old books: a few on canning and preserving from the 1950's, a few old nursing texts from the 1930's, and the British Columbia Women's Institutes Centennial Cook Book (affiliate link). This book is a real treasure.

Allow me to share with you Canada's Food Rules, lifted from the first few pages of this lovely book from 1958. Much of it is still good advice today.

Canada's Food Rules
These foods are good to eat. Eat them every day for health. Have at least three meals each day.

1. MILK-Children (up to about 12 years), at least 1 pint; adolescents, at least 1 1/2 pints; adults, at least 1/2 pint.
2. FRUIT-One serving of citrus fruit or tomatoes or their juices; and one serving of other fruit.
3. VEGETABLES-At least one serving of potatoes; and at least two servings of other vegetables, preferably leafy, green or yellow and frequently raw.
4. CEREALS AND BREAD-One serving of whole grain cereal; and at least four slices of bread (with butter or fortified margarine).
5. MEAT AND FISH-One serving of meat, fish,poultry, or meat alternates such as dried beans, eggs, and cheese. Use LIVER frequently. In addition: EGGS AND CHEESE at least three times a week each.
VITAMIN D: At least 400 international units daily for all growing persons and expectant and nursing mothers.

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